Our team of Guru’s regularly run webinars to provide tips, tricks and insights into our software. Registration is open to all and we encourage you to attend the live event, giving you the chance to ask questions from the team and get the most from the webinar. The webinar video will also be made available to those who register.

If you have a suggestion for a webinar topic please get in touch at info@petrosys.com.au

Up Coming Webinars

Webinar: Leveraging Petrosys PRO for Successful APA Licensing Round Submissions

23 May 2024  |  1:00 PM Norway

Discover how Petrosys PRO can help ensure your subsurface maps communicate clear & compelling information for your next APA Licensing Round Submission. This webinar will show you how Petrosys PRO, a powerful advanced subsurface mapping package, can streamline your workflow and give you a competitive edge.

Missed a webinar?

Don’t worry you can still experience it by watching the live recorded video.

Webinar: Petrosys PRO Enhancing workflows with the 3D Viewer

[33 min] 2022 February 17th 
With the slick integration between the Petrosys PRO map canvas and the new 3D Viewer, we will look at how the 3D Viewer is used to QC and visualize geoscience outputs.

More Videos

Visit our main Video page for the most recent Petrosys webinar recordings as well as a collection of informative videos on software tips and tricks, new features, and getting started with our products.