Our videos are a quick and easy way to get insight, information, and demonstrations of Petrosys | Interica products and workflows from our technical experts.


Petrosys PRO for Unconventional Play Mapping

[3 min] 2020 July 19
A short overview of the Petrosys PRO suite of tools for unconventional play mapping.

Introducing Fault Statistics in Petrosys PRO

[2 min] 2022 August 30
The brand-new Fault Statistics tool will be available with Petrosys PRO 2022.1 delivering into the hands of our users exactly what they asked for!

Petrosys PRO+: X Section

[5 min] 2020 September 6
The Petrosys PRO+ X Section tool is the next step in advanced visualisation making it easier for you to understand the relationships in your structure and achieve an accurate representation of the subsurface.

PLDB: Search, Track, & Audit

[4 min] 2020 July 28
Managing all prospects and leads in a secure, centralised database, provides [our clients] a distinct advantage when it comes to finding, evaluating, and selecting prospects to invest in.

Petrosys PRO Layered PDF Maps

[3 min] 2020 April 16
Petrosys PRO layered PDF Maps allow managers, geoscientists, and engineers to discuss maps without the need for technical software.

Petrosys PRO Fault Sticks to Fault Polygons

[2 min] 2020 March 25th 
A quick look at how with just one click Petrosys PRO can generate fault polygons from fault sticks – for ALL your interpreted horizons.

Data Management

A Quick Look at Well Data and the Well Log Viewer in dbMap

[3 min] 2023 February, 14 

Take a quick tour of Well Data and the Well Log Viewer in dbMap’s Records Management. In this short video, we view well data to show you how easy it is to search using categories and lists before QCing this knowledge in the Well Log Viewer utilising the superb editing functionality.

Automated Rule Based Archiving (ARBA) in Interica OneView

[4 min] 2022 October 17th 

ARBA is Interica OneView’s Automated Rule Based Archiving Application allowing users to perform rule-based intelligent archiving operations on project data within IOV by creating jobs based on archiving applications.

PART TWO: Achieve Value Faster on the OSDU™  Data Platform with IOV

[10 min] 2022 March 17th 

In the first video in our series ‘Achieve Value Faster on the OSDU™ Data Platform’ with Amazon Web Services (AWS) we demonstrated how we can help you discover and analyse your data across the OSDU™ Data Platform as well as legacy environments. Now, in Part Two, we will focus on how you can further integrate, migrate and archive data to support OSDU™ and cloud migration activities and consolidate metadata for a single pane of glass view across your petrotechnical environment.

PART ONE: Achieve Value Faster on the OSDU Data Platform with Interica OneView

[7 min] 2022 January 13th 
Interica are pleased to once again be partnering with AWS to help our customers Achieve Value Faster on the OSDU Data Platform with Interica OneView. Deploying and building on the OSDU can take significant time and resources. Interica OneView now integrates with AWS QuickSight providing dynamic capability that immediately gives users insights into their data, in context with legacy structured datasets.

Unstructured E&P Data: Use of Elasticsearch in Data Management

[10 min] 2021 January 7th 

Petrosys leverages Elasticsearch to help access large Oil & Gas datasets more efficiently. As part of ‘Petrosys Intelligent Search’, we’ve developed a crawler to find data, turn it into a series of records, to map data types to an object, extract the content of the files and push this information to Elasticsearch. The purpose of the ‘Intelligent Search’ step is to derive better search results from the various data sources and to see a breakdown of document types.


If you’ve missed one of our recent webinars you can still watch the live recording below. Don’t forget to check the webinar schedule and sign up.

Maximise Petrosys PRO: Unlocking it’s full potential for Production Workflows

[31 min] 2024 December, 04 
While Petrosys PRO is often associated with exploration workflows, this webinar will demonstrate its versatility for optimising production operations. To: – Visualise Production Data; Plan Future Development; Integrate External Data.

Petrosys PRO – Enhancing workflows with the 3D Viewer

[32 min] 2022 February 18
With the slick integration between the Petrosys PRO map canvas and the new 3D Viewer, we will look at how the 3D Viewer is used to QC and visualize geoscience outputs.

Webinar: Subsurface Mapping Standards and why they matter

[25 min] 2021 June 15th 
What are subsurface mapping standards and why do they matter? Watch this webinar for a discussion on the importance of clear and consistent maps, and how having mapping standards makes it easier to understand data and interpretation, followed by a short demo showing how Petrosys PRO users can quickly apply company standards to their data.

Webinar: Depth Conversion in Petrosys PRO

[30 min] 2021 February 26th 
Petrosys PRO offers an extensive range of powerful and flexible depth conversion methods. This webinar runs through a pre-defined workflow to show the range of depth conversion options available

Webinar: Map Image to Data Conversion

[34 min] 2020 November 17th 
Published maps, such as from paper records without digital backups or crafted through manual drafting, are an important source of subsurface geological knowledge. In this webinar we look at a number of tools available in the Petrosys spatial editor to convert images of maps into live surface and attribute maps, facilitating the recovery of data from sources that may have preceded digital mapping or where the digital data management failed to keep up with the document filing processes.

Webinar: PLDB – Well Failure Analysis

[30 min] 2020 June 19th 
Learning from past failures is critical to achieving future success. In PLDB this learning process has traditionally been accomplished using the post-drill analysis feature. More recently, a significant piece of functionality has been introduced to PLDB, called ‘Well Failure Analysis’. The WFA tool allows companies to capture, analyse and spatialise the geological reasons why a well has failed. This is critical for anyone working on existing prospects or leads as it allows play risk values to be derived objectively and consistently using historical information.

For more videos please log in to the client portal area where you will find lot’s of useful how to videos and past webinars.