Do you manage complex portfolios in spreadsheets or outdated legacy systems? Streamline your portfolio management with PLDB – The team-based stochastic resource management system for the oil and gas industry.

PLDB Secure Centralised Repository

Capture and Store Prospect Information

PLDB is a powerful team-based solution for creating and analysing a secure repository of your prospects, leads plays, and opportunities. It is ideally suited to companies that include Exploration in their strategy, or where there is a focus on resource replacement and managing risk.

  • Provides oil & gas companies the capability to capture and store prospect information.
  • Standardised procedures to evaluate potential resources.
  • Provides full auditability as well as chronological reviews.
  • Effective integration with other data management solutions as well as advanced analytical tools.
  • Accessible via a dynamic web-based portal.

Associate Supporting Documentation – Attach or link supporting documentation to help support decision making.

Continuous Development with over 20 Years of Active Use

PLDB Prospects

PLDB Stanardise

PLDB Resources

Resource Computation and Economic Risk

Team Based Stochastic Resource Management

  • A consistent approach to volumetric assessment, geological, and economic risk.
  • Perform analysis and adjust volumes following the inclusion of new information.
  • Demonstrate the commercial potential of conventional and unconventional prospects.

Understand and Manage Risk

  • PLDB supports configurable formulae and risk factors.
  • PLDB provides full auditability as well as chronological reviews.
  • Capture information on how estimates were calculated so that assessments can be ratified even if team members move on.

PLDB Reports and dashboards

Rollups, Reports & Dashboards

Effective Local or Global Portfolio Management

  • Undertake historical comparison and manage versions of resource estimates.
  • Compare and contrast individual opportunities or combine selected prospects in portfolios.
  • Portfolio Snap-shots and Rollups help support decisions to select prospects prior to commitment for full economic assessment.
  • Valuable Post Well Audit and Well Failure Analysis capabilities.

Visualisation and Analytics

  • Customisable dashboards provide an effective visual representation of all data.
  • Reports provide critical and timely insight into prospect inventory.
  • Feed data into business analytical tools.

PLDB Portfolios and dashboards

Ingest PLDB

PLDB Ingest Source Data

Ingest Resource Calculations & Knowledge

Where consultants or companies have found spreadsheets and standalone resource calculators no longer serve their needs, and it is time to upgrade – PLDB has been developed to ingest prospective resource calculations from third-party applications. The calculations can be preserved and returned to for reference at any time, or further work could be undertaken within PLDB, as new geological information becomes available, and the prospective resource calculations, using a variety of computational methods, can be updated to help support strategic investment decisions.

Preserve & Control

  • Ingest resource calculations and knowledge from 3rd party applications, spreadsheets, and standalone calculators.
  • Preserve and version control the knowledge to return to key reference milestones at any time.
  • Allows further work and resource computation to be undertaken as new geological information or ideas are available – to support strategic decisions.


PLDB Enquiries