What you can expect to achieve from this course
By the end of the Getting Started in Petrosys PRO training course you will:
- be able to display a variety of geological data onto a Petrosys Map
- become familiar with and understand how Petrosys Map Templates work with the incorporation of styles, extents, scales, and basemaps
- understand the process used to generate a grid and fault polygons from the use of fault sticks and seismic interpretation
- be able to grid excel datasets
- understand how to use the spatial editor to edit a grid with embedded faults by editing fault polygon outlines and contours spatially
- know how to use polygons and grids to generate a probabilistic volumetric resource for a prospect.
Who should attend
This course is directed at the active geoscientist, engineer or technical assistant who needs to produce maps and integrate spatial, raster and surface information from workstations and other sources, but who have not yet had exposure to Petrosys PRO mapping.
Course content – Typical workflow
Displaying Data
- Tutorial: Displaying seismic and faults
- Tutorial: Displaying wells
Understanding and using Map Templates
- Tutorial: Creating a map
Introduction to Surface Modeling – Grid cell size rules of thumb
- Tutorial: Creating grids
- Tutorial: Gridding point data
Spatial Editor
Localised Re-gridding
- Tutorial: Re-grid by editing contours
Volumetrics Computation
- Tutorial: Volume using top & base grids
Course length
1 day (Online/Virtual courses will be split into 2 half-day sessions)
Availability and Registration
To check the availability of this course either at an in-person or virtual event and register to attend, view the training schedules below: