
This 1 day course exposes attendees to areas outside the normal default options while creating typical workflows that will include the following; understanding and using kriging, using stacking velocities, dealing with faults, and assessing different depth conversion methods depending on the data you have.

Who Should Attend

The course is designed for geoscientists who are involved in velocity modeling and depth conversion.

Length of Course

1 Day


The course assumes that users have had exposure to Petrosys, and should have at least attendedĀ Getting Started in Petrosys PROĀ or theĀ Making Better Maps course. The users are expected to have knowledge of the handling of seismic and well data, and should be adept at creating simple grids in Petrosys and manipulating display lists (.dbm files).

Course Content

During the Depth & Velocity Modeling course, the following topics will be covered:

  1. Petrosys depth conversion methodsĀ  – what data do you have, and which depth conversion technique is appropriate?
  2. Grid operations – introduction to more advanced gridding techniques like kriging and kriging with external drift
  3. Faults – understanding the critical role that faults play during gridding and volumetrics
  4. Velocities – stacking and well velocities, and how to incorporate them into the same velocity model with confidence
  5. Sampled data editor – viewing and editing the data prior to gridding
  6. Grid processes – arithmetic operations; tying grids to point/well data; smoothing and other filter operations
  7. Scripting – learn how to implement scripting in Petrosys which enables you to analyze the effect of changing parameters on your velocity and depth models

Availability and Registration

To check the availability of this course either at an in-person or virtual event and register to attend, view the training schedules below:

If you would like to speak to a member of the team about your training requirements please,

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