Introducing Fault Statistics in Petrosys PRO

The brand-new Fault Statistics feature is now available in Petrosys PRO 2023.1 delivering into the hands of our users exactly what they asked for!

  • Plotting Capabilities: Visualise the throw-length profiles and cross plots of fault statistics.
  • Thematic Mapping: Show distribution of the throw gradient across the length of each fault, useful for identifying high slip zones & fault QC.
  • Editing Functionality: Directly edit the throw profiles and feed those edits back into the fault polygon data set or use in conjunction with the spatial editor.

You told us what you wanted in a Fault Statistics tool… 

Splitting a long structure into different components would be nice. It would help me to assert whether there is a possible identification of fault segments – really useful!”

“To be able to pull apart overly extrapolated faults into their component segments, and work them back into the interpretation to ensure spill points were correctly identified.”

…and we delivered! 

Fault Statistics in Petrosys PRO V2023.1

Speak to our team to find out more.