Q. I have some polyline Petrosys faults, but I would like to get the X,Y, heave and throw values from these faults and out into an ASCII file. Can I do this using Petrosys?

A. Heave and throw values from faults in Petrosys can be extracted using the Petrosys Surface Modeling module.

First, you will need to calculate centerlines from polylines:

  1. Open Petrosys Surface Modeling
  2. Select Fault>Calculate Centerline from Polyline
  3. Select your input polyline file by using the yellow file folder icon
  4. Specify the name of your output centerline file and select OK

Second, you will need to export X,Y, heave and throw values out to an ASCII file:

  1. Select File>Export>Landmark>ZMap>Faults
  2. Select the centerline fault file generated in 4 as the Petrosys Fault File
  3. Specify a name for the Zycor Output ASCII File
  4. Specify an appropriate CRS
  5. Use the drop-down arrow to select Centerline as the Fault type to export
  6. Select the Surface and Group you would like to export data from
  7. Select the boxes for data you would like to export such as delta-throw and heave
  8. Select OK to generate the ASCII file