Unleash the full potential of your seismic data: GLOBEClaritas V.2024.2.1
GLOBEClaritas is excited to deliver new release 2024.2.1 to clients. This release delivers a suite of innovative features designed to supercharge your processing workflow and unlock deeper geological insights...
Enhancing Workflow Efficiency: Highlights from GLOBEClaritas V.2024.1.1
We're excited to announce the release of our newest software version, packed with enhancements and features designed to streamline your workflow and improve performance...
Deghosting Solution for Ultra & High-Res
GLOBEClaritas is pleased to present the latest software release, Version 2023.2.1, to our clients. This new release, V 2023.1, brings with it a host of outstanding enhancements that promise to elevate both the user experience and technical capabilities. Among the exciting new features included in this release is HRDEGHOST the dedicated receiver de-ghosting solution designed specifically for high-resolution and ultra-high-resolution seismic datasets...
Seismic Processing Training Course – New March Dates
GLOBEClaritas is holding the 'Practical Introduction to Seismic Processing' training course from 7-10 March 2023 in Adelaide, Australia. Registration is now open...
GLOBEClaritas V.2023.1.1 New release
GLOBEClaritas is excited to deliver the 2023.1.1 release to clients, with the new RAPTOR application and significant improvements to the user experience and technical capabilities...
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