GLOBEClaritas New Release v7.2

GLOBEClaritas New Release V7.2

GLOBEClaritas are pleased to announce the 3rd major release under the Petrosys banner. With continued developments into the V7 series, we are delighted to be providing our clients with new functionality and significant improvements to the overall user experience.

We appreciate your continued support of the GLOBEClaritas software and welcome your inviable feedback which enables us to keep improving the software delivering a solution our clients need and want.

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GLOBEClaritas V7.2 Highlights

  • GLOBEClaritas now supported on Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL/CentOS) 8 and Ubuntu20.04 Linux operating systems.
  • Support for Python3 across all operating systems and move to PyQt5 for graphical applications. As of this release Python 2 and PyQt4 are no longer supported.
  • SeisCAT application now allows users to manage and interact with Geometry/Statics and Velocity files. Users can choose to display a list of Data, Geometry, Static, or Velocity files on the data pane. The user can interact with the different data formats using suitable editors, applications, or utilities.
  • The crooked (wiggly) line CDP binning solution from the GLOBEClaritas Geometry application can now be added as a batch process using a new standalone application “batch_wiggly_line”.
  • Support for Schlumberger eNode SegD Revision 3 format.
  • Support for UKOOA P1/11 format navigation data, the ADDP190 module can now read and merge P1//11 as well as P1/90 formats

To get started with the latest version of the software, GLOBEClaritas V7.2, visit the Client Portal, or to read the release notes in full download the pdf below.

GLOBEClaritas Enquiries

If you would like to know more or have questions please use the form to get in touch with one of our experts.