It’s hard to believe that half of 2019 has already flown by, it was great last quarter to touch base and help so many clients globally at a variety of events. The Petrosys 2019 Trade Show World Tour allowed us the opportunity to catch up personally with many of you and we plan to continue this strong focus on client interaction and connectivity with the upcoming Petrosys Global User Events.
We know and understand that helping clients to get more from their Petrosys investment by continually improving workflows and listening to user feedback is vital and as such we are holding user group events in Perth, Adelaide, London, Houston, and Calgary over the next few months. These provide you with; insight into what’s new in Petrosys PRO as our 2019.2 release will be out very shortly; provide opportunities to learn from your peers in how they apply our software in their workflows, and lets you join the discussion into how the software development roadmaps and improvements should be shaped. We strongly encourage you to attend. Each of the events is an investment of time that we are certain will deliver your organisation meaningful value. Click here to register.
I’m was pleased last month to announce a new partnership between Petrosys and PetroCubic WorkSpaces, for the first time making Petrosys PRO available on a per-use basis via their cloud-hosted service. Users are able to easily access Petrosys PRO within a data processing environment scaled to the needs of their project, whether it’s just a couple of maps to round off a prospect review, or a major field study leveraging an international team of experts. I am confident this will add value to consulting and small-medium enterprises who wish to focus more on geoscience and less on day-to-day IT. Click here to learn more.
Petrosys is well respected as the industry standard for surface modeling, based on quality, reliability and user controls we provide through our trusted gridding and contouring algorithms and methods. We are well positioned to continue to educate our industry to better understand which methods and techniques can be applied in a diversity of geological settings to assist most effective representation of the geoscientists sub-surface understanding and input data. Please check out our articles on “So many gridding algorithms – I’ll just use the default” & “Cross validation”, along with the discussion they have generated among a wide range of industry experts around the globe. Join in the conversation, comments welcome.
For those wanting to raise corporate mapping standards, through the provision of better map templates, check out the article on “Easy basemap templates” from Ewan Rule. As always our very own Dear Steve is on hand to answer your questions, this time with “Can I edit my Petrel and OpenWorks grids directly in Petrosys PRO?” For the time-poor (and who isn’t?) we have created a new series of “Petrosys PRO Quick Insight” videos, that in a few minutes show you highly utilised and valued existing features of Petrosys that may be in your blind spot.
Petrosys is fortunate to have a wide range of staff skills and expertise distributed globally and recently we had to say goodbye and a heartfelt thank you to Rob Bruinsma, one of our DBA’s who has invested 22 years of service working with a range of our clients globally, along with contributing to PPDM standards internationally and countless R&D and data management projects. Read more about Rob’s journey and join us as we wish Rob well as he now enjoys his retirement.
Lastly, I trust that your business projects and activities are tracking along well this year. Please don’t hesitate to ask for our expert help or ask for improvements in our software technology to drive your business needs ahead successfully.
Scott Tidemann, C.E.O